Movie News of the World Review

Movie News of the World Review

I checked and watched Tom Hanks‘ new movie, News of the World, one of my personal favorite American actors, registered on Netflix.Again, I started the movie without any prior information about News of the World.As Netflix is easy to watch, I don’t study movies more and more. News of the World is In short, it … Read more

Netflix Space Sweepers review

Netflix Space Sweepers review

Personally, I saw the movie that I’ve been waiting for, Space Sweepers, uploaded on Netflix on February 5th, and I saw it right away.The reason why I waited for Space Sweepers was that Song Joong-ki, Kim Tae-ri, Yoo Hae-jin, and Jin Seon-kyu were the main actors, but it was the first movie set in the … Read more

A review of the Penguin Bloom movies

A review of the Penguin Bloom movies

It’s not a movie made on Netflix, but it’s a movie you can only see on Netflix, Penguin Bloom. The movie Penguin Bloom is a family movie.What’s unusual is that this family includes magpies. An unexpected big thing happened to the family that was in trouble, and it shows the difficulty of the family, but … Read more

A review of the Netflix movie Below Zero.

A review of the Netflix movie Below Zero

This is a review of the movie “Below Zero,” which began to be distributed on Netflix on January 29. This is the movie that I’ve been waiting for after setting up the notification in advance.The reason was simply waiting for the action movie that I could watch on Friday night. But, Below Zero is not … Read more